What do I need?

Your Supplies

There is not much by way of specialist equipment needed to walk the footpaths around Midhurst. Elevations are not high enough to hijack your walk with unforeseen bad weather. Even the steepest slopes can be safely navigated all year round.

Although you can find solitude, you’ll never be too far from someone who can help you. Network coverage is good on almost every part of each route. However, an additional battery pack is a wise investment if you have any concerns about your phone holding its charge, especially on a longer walk.

The M Word

Your biggest enemy will be mud. Sussex is known for it. Even on the driest of summer days, you can still come across it, and walking with wet feet is not fun. A good pair of comfortable shoes or boots will serve you well, especially if they are waterproof. In winter, wet footpaths become slippery, so a stick or walking poles can be helpful, particularly if you have any concerns about your knees or back.

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